VaSA couples vacuum stripping and acid absorption to strip ammonia out of ammonia-rich wastewater (e.g., anaerobic digestate, landfill leachate, animal manure, and source-separated urine) to form granular ammonium salts, sellable nitrogen fertilizers and reagent-grade chemicals, while enhancing solids solubilization for increased biogas production
While phosphate is removed from wastewater to achieve management and permit compliance goals, struvite is recovered as a slow-release fertilizer. Unlike chemical-based technologies to recover struvite for traditional farming, STROP produces struvite as a natural fertilizer by supplementing magnesium and raising pH with two mineral-based products, making struvite potentially acceptable for organic production.
Latest News
Research Foundation for SUNY invested in VaSA from Technology Accelerator Fund in July 2023:
CASA Award Winner
Aug 2022
The California Association of Sanitation Agencies has awarded VaSA pilot testing of sludge digestate and pressate at City of San Luis Obispo Water Resource Recovery Facility its 2022 Award of Excellence in Innovation and Resilience.
VaSA Prototyping and Pilot Tests
January-June 2022; May-July 2023
Funded by the NSF Partnerships for Innovation Program, onsite demonstration with Gen2 VaSA prototype succeeded at The City of San Luis Obispo's Water Resource Recovery Facility, CA and Regional Landfill, Ava, NY.